1 |
110/LAD-A |
A Theory of Reality: An Essay in Metaphysical System Upon the Basis of Human Cognitive Experience |
Ladd, George Trumbull |
London, Longmans, 1899 |
556 |
2 |
110/HAM-L |
Lectures of Metaphysics and Logic: Volume 1 - Metaphyscis |
Hamilton, William; Mansel, Henry Longueville |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1849 |
444 |
3 |
110/HAM-L |
Lectures of Metaphysics and Logic: Volume 2 - Logic |
Hamilton, William; Mansel, Henry Longueville |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1849 |
568 |
4 |
110/HAM-L |
Lectures of Metaphysics and Logic: Volume 3 |
Hamilton, William; Mansel, Henry Longueville |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1850 |
510 |
5 |
110/MOM-P |
Personality: The Beginning and End of Metaphysics and a Necessary Assumption in all Positive Philosophy |
Momerie, Alfred Williams |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1880 |
134 |
6 |
110/HOD-T |
The Adversaries of Sceptic or the Specious Present: A New Inquiry into Human Knowledge |
Hodder, Alfred |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1901 |
339 |
7 |
110/DEU-T |
The Elements of Metaphysics: Being a Guide for Lectures and Private Use |
Deussen, Paul; Duff, C. Mabel |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1894 |
337 |
8 |
110/MER-T |
The Problem of Personality: A Critical & Constructive Study in the Light of Recent Thought |
Merrington, Ernest Northcroft |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1916 |
229 |
9 |
113/SPE-F |
First Principles |
Spencer, Herbert |
New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1890 |
602 |
10 |
115/ALE-S |
Space, Time and Deity. Vol: 1: The Gifford lectures at Glasgow 1916-1918 |
Alexander, Samuel |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1920 |
347 |
11 |
115/ALE-S |
Space, Time and Deity. Vol: 2: The Gifford lectures at Glasgow 1916-1918 |
Alexander, Samuel |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1920 |
437 |
12 |
121/VAI-D |
Die Philospohie Des Als Ob: System der theorietischen, prakischen und religiösn |
Vaihinger, Hans |
Leipzig, Verlag von Felix Meiner, 1922 |
861 |
13 |
121/ROB-E |
Elements of General Philosophy |
Robertson, George Croom; Davids, Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys |
London, John Murray, 1896 |
365 |
14 |
121/STE-G |
Grundlinien einer Erkenntnistheorie der Goetheschen Weltanschauung mit Besonderer Rücksicht auf Schiller |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Stuttgart, Der Komends Taga. G. Verlag, 1924 |
112 |
15 |
121/HOL-T |
The New Realism Cooperative Studies in Philosophy |
Holt, Edwin Bissel; Marwin, Walter Taylor; Montague, William Pepperrell |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1912 |
491 |
16 |
126/LAI-P |
Problems of the self: An Essay Based on the Shaw Lectures Given in the University of Edinburgh March 1914 |
Laird, John |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1917 |
375 |
17 |
128/BUR-T |
The Emergence of Life: Being a Treatise on Mathematical Philosophy and Symbolic Logic by which New Theory of Space and Time is Evolved |
Burke, John Benjamin Butler |
London, Oxford University Press, 1931 |
396 |
18 |
133.3/MAC-S |
Sibylla or The Revival of Prophecy |
Mace, Cecil Alec |
London, Kegan Paul |
96 |
19 |
133.8/HUD-A |
A Scientific Demonstration of Future of Life |
Hudson, Thomas Jay |
London, G. P. Putnam's Son, 1985 |
340 |
20 |
133.9013/MYE-S |
Science and a Future Life with Other Essays |
Myers, Frederic William Henry |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1901 |
243 |
21 |
134/POD-S |
Studies in Psychical Research |
Podmore, Frank |
London, Kegan Paul, 1897 |
133 |
22 |
141/ALI-T |
The Idealistic Reaction Against Science |
Aliotta, Antonio; McCaskill, Agnes |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1914 |
483 |
23 |
142/HOE-M |
Matter, Life, Mind and God: Five Lectures on Contemporary Tendencies of Thought |
Hoernle, Reinhold Friedrich Alfred |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1923 |
215 |
24 |
146/LOD-L |
Life and Matter: A Criticism of Professor Haeckel's \Riddle of the Universe\"" |
Lodge, Oliver |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1905 |
200 |
25 |
146/MCD-M |
Modern Materialism and Emergent Evolution |
McDougall, William |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1929 |
295 |
26 |
146.7/MAC-F |
From Comte to Benjamin Kidd: The Appeal to Biology or Evolution for Human Guidance |
Mackintosh, Robert |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1899 |
287 |
27 |
147/VEI-D |
Dualism and Monism and Other Essays |
veitch, John |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1895 |
221 |
28 |
149.2/HAS-R |
Realism: An Attempt to Trace its Origin and Development in its Chief Representatives |
Hassan, Syed Zafarul |
London, Cambridge University Press, 1928 |
333 |
29 |
149.3/GOV-A |
A Metaphysique of Mysticism: Vedically Viewed |
Govindacharya, Alkondavilli |
Maysore, Veda-Griham, 1923 |
480 |
30 |
149.3/PRE-T |
The Philosophy of Mysticism (Translated from German) |
Prel, Carl Du; Massey, Charles Carleton |
London, George Redway, 1889 |
316 |
31 |
150/JUD-G |
Genetic Psychology for Teachers |
Judd, Charles Hubbard |
London, Edward Arnold, 1903 |
329 |
32 |
150/JAM-P |
Psychology |
James, William |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1892 |
478 |
33 |
150/HOF-P |
Psychology and Common Life |
Hoffman, Frank Sargent |
New York, G. P. Putnam's Son, 1903 |
286 |
34 |
150/ANG-P |
Psychology: An Introductory Study of the Structure and Function of Human Consciousness |
Angell, James Rowland |
London, Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd., 1908 |
468 |
35 |
150/BAL-S |
Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development: A Study in Social Psychology |
Baldwin, James Mark |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1906 |
606 |
36 |
153/CAR-T |
The Art of Creation: Essays on the Self and its Powers |
Carpenter, Edward |
London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1916 |
266 |
37 |
153.7/GEL-F |
From the Unconscious to the Conscious |
Geley, Gustave; Brath, Stanley De |
Glasgow, William Collins Sons & Company, 1920 |
328 |
38 |
155/STO-A |
A Manual of Psychology |
Stout, George Frederick |
London, W. B. Clive, 1904 |
661 |
39 |
155/TIT-A |
A Textbook of Psychology |
Titchner, Edward Bradford |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1910 |
565 |
40 |
155/TIT-A |
An Outline of Psychology |
Titchner, Edward Bradford |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1898 |
352 |
41 |
155/WIT-A |
Analytical Psychology: A practical manual for colleges and normal schools, presenting the facts and principles of mental analysis in the form of simple illustrations and experiments, with 42 figures in the text and 39 experimental charts |
Witmer, Lightner |
Boston, Ginn & Company, 1902 |
251 |
42 |
155/SHA-E |
Elementary Psychology |
Shastri, Prabhu Dutt |
London, Longman, 1920 |
156 |
43 |
155/BEL-E |
Essentials of Psychology |
Bell, Colin S. |
Boston, Ginn & Company, 1900 |
238 |
44 |
155/RAD-E |
Essentials of Psychology |
Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli |
London, Oxford University Press, 1912 |
75 |
45 |
155.2/KIN-M |
Man an Organic Community |
King, John H. |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1893 |
328 |
46 |
155.2/KIN-M |
Man an Organic Community |
King, John H. |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1893 |
328 |
47 |
155.2/BRO-M |
Mind and Personality: An Essay in Psychology and Philosophy |
Brown, William |
London, University of London Press, 1926 |
344 |
48 |
157/STA-S |
Studies in the Evolutionary Psychology of Feeling |
Stanley, Hiram Miner |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1895 |
392 |
49 |
159.9/BOS-P |
Psychology of the Moral Self |
Bosanquet, Beranrd |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1897 |
128 |
50 |
160/SHA-A |
An Elementary Text-book of Inductive Logic |
Shastri, Prabhu Dutt |
Calcutta, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1923 |
210 |
51 |
160/JEV-E |
Elementary Lessons in Logic Deductive and Inductive |
Jevons, William Stanley |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1890 |
340 |
52 |
160/JEV-E |
Elementary Lessons in Logic Deductive and Inductive |
Jevons, William Stanley |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1907 |
340 |
53 |
160/BOS-E |
Essentials of Logic: Being Ten Lectures on Judgement and Interface |
Bosanquet, Bernard |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1895 |
167 |
54 |
160/SWI-P |
Picture Logic |
Swinburne, Alfred James |
London, Longman, 1899 |
188 |
55 |
160/MCL-R |
Reformed Logic: A System based on Berkeley's Philosophy |
McLachlan, David Blair |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1892 |
233 |
56 |
170/WIL-A |
A Review of Systems of Ethics Founded on the Theory of Evolution |
Williams, Cora May |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1893 |
581 |
57 |
170/ROG-A |
A Short History of Ethics: Greek and Modern |
Rogers, Reginald Arthur Percy |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. |
58 |
170/HAM-H |
Human Intercourse |
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1906 |
391 |
59 |
170/MAX-L |
Life, a Study of Self |
Maxwell, William Babington |
London, Thornton Butterworth, 1926 |
238 |
60 |
170/WRE-T |
The Grammar of Life |
Wrench, Guy Theodore |
London, William Heinemann, 1908 |
237 |
61 |
170.44/SOR-T |
The Moral Life and Moral Worth |
Sorley, William Ritchie |
London, Cambridge University Press, 1911 |
147 |
62 |
170.9/FOX-R |
Religion and Morality: Their Nature and Mutual Relations, Historically and Doctrinally Considered |
Fox, James Joseph |
New York, William H. Young and Company, 1900 |
322 |
63 |
171/SET-A |
A Study of Ethical Principles |
Seth, James |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1905 |
470 |
64 |
171/COU-C |
Constructive Ethics: A Review of Modern Moral Philosophy in its Three stages of Interpretation, Criticism and Reconstruction |
Courtney, William Leonard |
London, Chapman & Hall, 1886 |
358 |
65 |
171.3/ARI-T |
The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle |
Aristotle; Peters, Frank Hesketh |
London, Kegan Paul, 1894 |
359 |
66 |
171.7/KEL-E |
Evolution and Effort and Their Relations to Religion and Politics |
Kelly, Edmond |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1895 |
297 |
67 |
176/FOR-S |
Sexual Ethics |
Forel, Auguste |
London, The New Age Press, 1908 |
62 |
68 |
180.09/STA-A |
A Critical History of Greek Philosophy |
Stace, Walter Terence |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1920 |
386 |
69 |
181.4/ACH-B |
Brahmadarsanam or Intuition of the Absolute: Being an Introduction to the Study of Hindu Philosophy |
Acharya, Swami Sri Ananda |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1917 |
210 |
70 |
181.4/REL-M |
Mysterious Kundalini: The Physical Basis of the \Kundali (Hatha Yoga)\" in Terms of Western Anatomy and Physiology" |
Rele, Vasant Gangaram |
Bombay, D. B. Taraporevala Sons, 1929 |
89 |
71 |
181.4/MUL-T |
The Six Systems Of Indian Philosophy |
Muller, Friedrich Max |
London, Longman, 1899 |
618 |
72 |
181.48/MUL-T |
Three Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy: Delivered at Royal Institution in March 1894 |
Muller, Friedrich Max |
London, Longmans, 1894 |
205 |
73 |
190/SIN-A |
A Defence of Idealism: Some Questions and Conclusions |
Sinclair, May |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1917 |
396 |
74 |
190/FLI-A |
Agnosticism |
Flint, Robert |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1903 |
602 |
75 |
190/FUL-A |
An Introduction to Philosophy |
Fullerton, George Stuart |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1908 |
332 |
76 |
190/BUC-L |
Last Words on Materialism and Kindred Subjects |
Buchner, Friedrich Karl Christian Ludwig; McCabe, Joseph |
London, Watts & Co., 1901 |
299 |
77 |
190/HOF-M |
Modern Philosophers: Lectures Delivered at the University of Copenhagen during the Autumn of 1902 and Lectures on Bergson delivered in 1913 |
Hoffding, Harald; Mason, Alfred Charles |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1915 |
317 |
78 |
190/BOS-T |
The Meeting of Extremes in Contemporary Philosophy |
Bosanquet, Bernard |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1921 |
200 |
79 |
191/BEN-A |
A Philosophical Study of Mysticism: An Essay |
Bennett, Charles Andrew Armstrong |
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1931 |
194 |
80 |
191/CAR-T |
The Point of View: An Anthology of Religion and Philosophy Selected from the Works of Paul Carus |
Carus, Paul; Cook, Catherine E. |
Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company, 1927 |
211 |
81 |
192/MIL-A |
An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings |
Mill, John Stuart |
London, Longman, 1889 |
650 |
82 |
192/HUM-E |
Essays, Literary, Moral and Political |
Hume, David |
London, Ward Lock & Co. Ltd. |
584 |
83 |
192/KNI-H |
HUME (David) |
Knight, William Angus |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1886 |
239 |
84 |
192/FRA-L |
Fraser, Alexander Campbell |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1890 |
299 |
85 |
192.9/RIC-S |
Spiritual Pluralism and Recent Philosophy |
Richardson, Cyril Albert |
London, Cambridge University Press, 1919 |
335 |
86 |
193/SED-A |
A Holiday with a Hegelian |
Sedlak, Francis; Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich |
London, A. C. Field, 1911 |
190 |
87 |
193/MAC-H |
Hegel and Hegelianism |
Mackintosh, Robert |
Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1903 |
301 |
88 |
193/MOR-H |
Hegel's Philosophy of State and of History |
Morris, George Sylvester; Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich |
Chicago, S. C. Griggs and Company, 1887 |
306 |
89 |
193/PRI-H |
Hegelianism and Personality |
Pringle-Pattison, Andrew Seth |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1893 |
242 |
90 |
193/DIC-J |
John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart |
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes; Keeling, Stanley Victor; Williams, Basil |
London, Cambridge University Press, 1931 |
160 |
91 |
193/WAL-K |
Kant (Immanuel) |
Wallace, William |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1896 |
219 |
92 |
193/WAT-K |
Kant and his English Critics: A Comparison of Critical and Empirical Philosophy |
Watson, John |
Glasgow, James MacLehose and Sons, 1881 |
402 |
93 |
193/SCH-K |
Kantian Ethics and the Ethics of Evolution: A Critical Study |
Schurman, Jacob Gould |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1881 |
103 |
94 |
193/BAI-O |
Origin and Significance of Hegel's Logic: A General Introduction to Hegel's System |
Baillie, James Black |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1901 |
375 |
95 |
193/MCT-S |
Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic |
McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis |
London, Cambridge University Press, 1896 |
259 |
96 |
193/HEG-T |
The Logic of Hegel: Translation form the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Science |
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Wallace, William |
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1892 |
439 |
97 |
193/STI-T |
The Secret of Hegel: Being the Hegelian System in Origin, Principles, Form and Matter |
Stirling, James Hutchison |
Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 1898 |
751 |
98 |
193.9/EUC-C |
Collected Essays of Rudolf Eucken |
Eucken, Rudolf; Booth, Meyrick; Booth, Meyrick |
London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1914 |
354 |
99 |
194/GUN-B |
Bergson and his Philosophy |
Gunn, John Alexander |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1920 |
190 |
100 |
194/CAI-T |
The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte |
Caird, Edward |
Glasgow, James MacLehose and Sons, 1893 |
210 |
101 |
195/GEN-T |
The Theory of Mind as Pure Act |
Gentile, Giovanni; Carr, Herbert Wildon |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1922 |
280 |
102 |
196.1/UNA-T |
The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and in Peoples |
Unamuno, Miguel de; Flitch, John Ernest Crawford |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1921 |
332 |
103 |
197/OUS-T |
Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought, A Key the Enigmas of the World |
Ouspensky, Peter D.; Bessaraboff, Nicholas; Bragdon, Claude |
London, Kegan Paul, 1926 |
336 |
104 |
200/HUN-P |
Pantheism and Christianity |
Hunt, John |
London, William Isbister Ltd., 1884 |
397 |
105 |
200.19/FRE-T |
The Future of an Illusion |
Freud, Sigmund; Scott, William Douglas Robson |
London, Leonard & Virginia Woolf, 1928 |
98 |
106 |
201/JON-A |
A Faith That Enquires: The Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Glasgow in the Years 1920 and 1921 |
Jones, Henry |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1922 |
361 |
107 |
201/STR-R |
Reality: A New Corelation of Science to Religion |
Streeter, Burnett Hillman |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1927 |
350 |
108 |
201/SHE-R |
Religious Systems of the World: A Contribution to the Study of Comparative Religion, A Collection of Addresses Delivered at South Place Institute, During 1888-1889 and 1891 |
Sheowring, William; Thies, Conrad W. |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1901 |
824 |
109 |
201/BAL-T |
The Foundation of Belief: Being Notes Introductory to the Study of Theology |
Balfour, Arthur James |
London, Longman, 1896 |
356 |
110 |
201/HOC-T |
The Meaning of God in Human Experience: A Philosophic Study of Religion |
Hocking, William Ernest |
London, Oxford University Press, 1912 |
586 |
111 |
201/OMA-T |
The Natural and the Supernatural |
Oman, John |
London, Cambridge University Press, 1931 |
506 |
112 |
201.1/MAL-S |
Studies of Contemporary Superstition |
Mallock, William Hurrell |
London, Ward & Downey, Ltd., 1895 |
302 |
113 |
204/BOU-R |
Religious Experience: Its Nature, Types and Validity |
Bouquet, Alan Coates |
Cambridge, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., 1932 |
133 |
114 |
204/RAH-S |
Science and the Religious Life: A Psycho-Physiological Approach |
Rahn, Carl Leo |
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1928 |
221 |
115 |
204/REN-S |
Studies of Religious History |
Renan, Ernest |
London, William Heinemann, 1893 |
303 |
116 |
204/JAM-T |
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature |
James, William |
New York, Longman, 1903 |
534 |
117 |
204.2/FAR-E |
Experience of God: A brief Enquiry into the Grounds of Christian Conviction |
Farmer, Herbert Henry |
London, Student Christian Movement Press, 1929 |
219 |
118 |
206/NEW-N |
Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua: The Two Versions of 1864 and 1865 Preceded by Newman's and Kingsleys' Pamphlets with and Introduction by Wilfrid Ward |
Newman, John Henry; Kingsley, Charles |
London, Oxford University Press, 1913 |
528 |
119 |
210/MAR-A |
A Study of Religion: Its Sources and Conents |
Martineau, James |
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889 |
392 |
120 |
210/MAR-A |
A Study of Religion: Its Sources and Conents |
Martineau, James |
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889 |
302 |
121 |
210/WES-E |
Essays in the History of Religious Thought in the West |
Westcott, Brooke Foss |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1903 |
397 |
122 |
210/HIL-R |
Religion and Modern Psychology: A Study of Present Tendencies, Particularly the Religious Implications of the Scientific Belief in Survival, with a Discussion on Mysticism |
Hill, John Arthur |
London, William Rider and Son, 1911 |
200 |
123 |
210/MC--S |
Some Dogmas of Religion |
Mc-Taggart, John Mc-Taggart Ellis |
London, Edward Arnold, 1906 |
299 |
124 |
210/RAD-T |
The Reign of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy |
Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1920 |
463 |
125 |
210.1/TUL-M |
Modern Theories in Philosophy and Religion |
Tulloch, John |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1884 |
468 |
126 |
211/KNI-A |
Aspects of Theism |
Knight, William Angus |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1893 |
220 |
127 |
211/GRE-W |
Without God: Negative Science and Natural Ethics |
Greg, Percy |
London, Hurst and Blackett, 1883 |
350 |
128 |
211.3/AND-P |
Prolegomena to theism |
Anderson, Louis Francis |
New York, Press of Andrew H. Kellogg Co., 1910 |
70 |
129 |
211.3/FLI-T |
THEISM: Being the Baird Lecture for 1876 |
Flint, Robert |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1891 |
479 |
130 |
215/DRU-N |
Natural Law in the Spiritual World |
Drummond, Henry |
London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1888 |
414 |
131 |
215/ANT-R |
Relativity and Religion: An Inquiry into the Implications of the Theory of Relativity with Respect to Religion Thought |
Anthony, H. Douglas |
London, University of London Press, 1927 |
260 |
132 |
215/D'A-S |
Science and Creation: The Christian Interpretation |
D'Arcy, Charles Frederick |
New York, Longman, 1925 |
126 |
133 |
215/WES-S |
Science and Theology: Their Common Aims and Methods |
Westaway, Frederic William |
London, Blackie and Son, Ltd., 1920 |
346 |
134 |
218/OSL-S |
Science and Immortality |
Osler, William |
London, Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd., 1906 |
94 |
135 |
218/ATK-T |
The World's Religions Against War: The Proceedings of the Preliminary Conference Held at Geneva, September 1928 to Make Arrangements for a Universal Religious Peace Conference |
Atkinson, Henry A. |
Paris, Church Peace Union, 1928 |
163 |
136 |
220/HIL-T |
The New Science of Causation: Easy Duologues, Laying Bare the Hitherto Hidden, and Ensuring a General Collapse of the Foundations of Material Science |
Hiller, Harry Croft |
London, Walter Scott, 1905 |
386 |
137 |
220/CLO-T |
The Story of Creation: A Plain Account of Evolution |
Clodd, Edward |
New York, Longman, 1898 |
242 |
138 |
229/P.,-T |
The Apocrypha: Translated out of the Greek and Latin Tongues |
P., O. U. |
London, Oxford University Press, 1937 |
433 |
139 |
230/MAT-A |
Aids to the Study of German Theology |
Matheson, George |
Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1877 |
218 |
140 |
231/FAR-T |
The Attributes of God: The Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of St. Andrews in the year 1924-25 |
Farnell, Lewis Richard |
London, Oxford University Press, 1925 |
283 |
141 |
232.9/INN-T |
The Trial of Jesus Christ: A Legal Monograph |
Innes, Alexander Taylor |
Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1905 |
127 |
142 |
233/HOC-T |
The self its Body and Freedom |
Hocking, William Ernest |
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1928 |
178 |
143 |
233.6/TEM-T |
The Nature of Personality: A Course of Lectures |
Temple, William |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1935 |
120 |
144 |
236.2/CRO-T |
The Endless Life |
Crothers, Samuel McChord |
London, Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd., 1906 |
80 |
145 |
236.22/JAM-H |
Human Immorality: Two Supposed Objections to the Doctrine |
James, William |
London, Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd., 1906 |
126 |
146 |
237.2/MAC-M |
Man's consciousness of immortality |
Mackenzie, William Douglas |
Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1929 |
87 |
147 |
237.2/MUN-T |
The Eternal Life |
Munsterberg, Hugo |
London, Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd., 1906 |
102 |
148 |
237.2/TSA-T |
The Problem of Immortality: Studies in Personality and Value |
Tsanoff, Andrea Radoslav |
London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1924 |
418 |
149 |
239/BUT-T |
The Analogy of Religion to the Constitution and Course of Nature Also Fifteen Sermons |
Butter, Joseph |
London, Religious Tract Society |
551 |
150 |
248.16/SMI-A |
An Introduction to the History of Mysticism |
Smith, Margaret |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1930 |
121 |
151 |
261/WEL-T |
The Spiritual Basis of Democracy with an Introduction by Bertrand Russell |
Welock, Welfred |
Madras, S. Ganesan, 1924 |
310 |
152 |
261.8509031/TAW-R |
Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: A Historical Study Holland Memorial Lectures, 1922 |
Tawney, Richard Henry |
London, John Murray, 1926 |
399 |
153 |
275/HOC-R |
Re-thinking Missions: A Layman's Inquiry After One Hundred Years |
Hocking, William Ernest |
New York, Harper & Brothers, 1932 |
349 |
154 |
287.09/SAL-C |
Consolidation and Decline |
Salter, Charles Neeld |
London, Kegan Paul, 1903 |
197 |
155 |
290/MEN-H |
History of Religion: A Sketch of Primitive Religious Beliefs and Practices, and of the Origin and Character of the Great Systems |
Menzies, Allan |
London, John Murray, 1897 |
438 |
156 |
290/KAM-T |
The Sources of Christianity |
Kamal-ud-Din, Khawaja |
Woking, Basheer Muslim Library, 1925 |
261 |
157 |
291.4/MAR-S |
Studies in the psychology of the Mystics |
Marechal, Joseph; Thorold, Algar Labouchere |
London, Burns, Oates & Washburne, 1927 |
344 |
158 |
291.64/BEV-S |
Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient Theories of Revelation and Inspiration |
Bevan, Edwyn Robert |
London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1928 |
189 |
159 |
293.6/THA-A |
A Critical Study of the Life and Teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev: The Founder of Sikhism |
Thapar, Sewaram Singh |
Rawalpindi, Commercial Union Press, 1904 |
179 |
160 |
294.382/NAR-L |
Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism |
Nariman, Gushtaspshah Kaikhushro |
Bombay, D. B. Taraporevala Sons, 1920 |
382 |
161 |
295/BHA-A |
A Brief Sketch of the Zoroastrian Religion and Customs: An Essay Written for the Rahnumai Mazdayasnan Sabha |
Bharucha, Ervad Sheriarji Dadabhai |
Bombay, D. B. Taraporevala Sons, 1928 |
210 |
162 |
295/WHI-L |
Life and Teachings of Zoroaster: The Great Persian |
Whitney, Loren Harper |
Chicago, Loren Harper Whitney, 1905 |
259 |
163 |
295/CUM-T |
The Mysteries of Mithra (Translated from French) |
Cumont, Franz Valery Marie; Maccormack, Thomas Joseph |
Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company, 1910 |
239 |
164 |
296/KEL-T |
The Jews; or, Prediction and Fulfilment: An Argument for the Times |
Kellogg, Samuel H. |
London, James Nisbet & co. |
165 |
296.8/BUB-J |
Jewish Mysticism and Legends of Baalshem (Translated from German) |
Buber, Martin; Cohen, Lucky |
London, J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1931 |
230 |
166 |
297/STU-A |
An Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahometanism: With the Life of Mahomet and a Vindication of him and his Religion from the calumnies of the Christians |
Stubbe, Henry; Shairani, Hafiz Mahmud Khan |
London, Luzac & Company, 1911 |
248 |
167 |
297/VAM-D |
Der Islam im neunzehnten Jahrhundert: Eine Culturgeschichtliche Studie |
Vambery, Hermann |
Leipzig, F. A. Brockhous, 1875 |
322 |
168 |
297/PES-E |
Einfluss Des Islam: Sociale und Politische Leben Seiner Bekenner, eine Culturgeschichtliche Studie |
Peschon, Carl Nathanael |
Leipzig, F. A. Brockhous, 1881 |
162 |
169 |
297/MAS-I |
Islam (Translated from French) |
Masse, Henri; Edib, Halide |
New York, G. P. Putnam's Son, 1938 |
270 |
170 |
297/LEO-I |
Islam, Her Moral and Spiritual Value: A Rational and Psychological Study, with Foreword by Syed Ameer Ali |
Leonard, Arthur Glyn |
London, Luzac & Company, 1909 |
160 |
171 |
297/GRI-M |
Mohammad (In German Language): Einleitung in den Koran System der Koranischen Theologie |
Grimme, Hubert |
Munster i. W., Aschendorff, 1904 |
92 |
172 |
297/HUR-M |
Mohammadanism: Lectures on its Origin, its religious and Political Growth and its Present State |
HURGRONJE, Christiaan Snouck |
New York, G. P. Putnam's Son, 1916 |
154 |
173 |
297/JUN-N |
Notes of Islam by Sir Ahmad Hussain: Nawab Amin Jung |
Jung), Ahmad Hussain (Amin; Hussain, Muhammad |
Hyderabad Deccan, Government Central Press, 1922 |
96 |
174 |
297/BLU-T |
The Future of Islam |
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen |
London, Kegan Paul, 1882 |
215 |
175 |
297/MAH-T |
The Indian Moselms |
Mahmedan, Indian |
London, Ardenne Publishers, 1928 |
268 |
176 |
297/RAT-T |
The Quranic Gems |
Rathor, Ghulam Muhammad |
Lahore, Ripon Printing Press, 1934 |
264 |
177 |
297/IQB-T |
The Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam |
Iqbal, Sir Muhammad |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1934 |
154 |
178 |
297.09/BAR-M |
Mussulman Culture (Translated from Russian) |
Bartold, Vasily Vladimirovich; Suhrawardy, Huseyn Shaheed |
Calcutta, Calcutta University, 1934 |
146 |
179 |
297.1221/NAD-A |
A Geographical History of the Quran |
Nadvi, Muzaffar ud Din |
Calcutta, S. Zahid Ullah Nadvi, 1936 |
159 |
180 |
297.1221/TIS-T |
The Original Sources of the Quran |
Tisdall, William St. Clair |
London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1905 |
287 |
181 |
297.1224/MIN-L |
Leaves from Three Ancient Qurans: Possibly Pre-Othmanic with a List of their Variants |
Mingana, Alphonse; Mingana, Alphonse; Lewis, Agnes Smith |
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1914 |
125 |
182 |
297.12261/NAI-T |
The Wisdom of the Quran: Set Forth in Selected Verses Conveying the Moral, Religious and Social Philosophy of Islam |
Naish, John Paul; Naish, John Paul |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1937 |
183 |
297.1227/AL--A |
Al-Kanz-ul-Madfun wa Al-Falk-ul-Mashhoon |
al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din |
Cairo, Mutba Al Memna, 1903 |
370 |
184 |
297.1227/HAQ-A |
An Introduction to the Commentary of the Holy Quran: Being an English Translation of \Al Bayan\"" |
Haqqani, Muhammad Abdul Haqq |
Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Company, 1910 |
745 |
185 |
297.2/MAS-R |
Recueil de textes inédits concernant l'histoire de la mystique en pays d'Islam |
Massignon, Louis |
Paris, Librairie orientaliste Paul Geunthner, 1929 |
259 |
186 |
297.2046/QAD-T |
The Teachings of Islam: A Solution of Five Fundamental Religious Problems from the Muslims Point of View |
Qadiyani, Ghulam Ahmed |
London, Luzac & Company, 1910 |
195 |
187 |
297.24/BAR-T |
The Khilafet |
Barkatullah, Muhammad |
London, Luzac & Company, 1925 |
97 |
188 |
297.29/TAB-T |
The Book of Religion and Empire: A Semi-Official Defense and Exposition of Islam Written by Order at the Court and with the Assistance of the Caliph Mtawakkil (A.D. 847-861) (Translated in English) |
Tabari, Ali Ibn Sahl Rabban; Mingana, Alphonse |
London, Longman, 1922 |
174 |
189 |
297.4/SUB-S |
Sufism its Saints and Shrines: An Introduction to the Study of Sufism with Special Reference to India |
Subhan, John A. |
Lucknow, Lucknow Publishing House, 1938 |
412 |
190 |
297.4/KAL-T |
The Doctrine of the Sufis: Kitab al Ta'arruf li-Madhhab ahl-al Tasawwuf by Abu Bakr al Kalabadhi (Translated from Arabic) |
Kalabadhi, Abu Bakr; Arberry, Arthur John |
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1935 |
173 |
191 |
297.40924/SMI-A |
An Early Mystic of Baghdad: A Study of the life and Teaching of Harith B. Asad Al-Muhasibi 781-857. A.D. |
Smith, Margaret |
London, Sheldon Press, 1935 |
311 |
192 |
297.63/DUR-M |
Muhammad the Prophet, an Essay with a Foreword by Allama A Yusuf Ali |
Durrani, Fazal Karim Khan |
Lahore, The Truth, 1935 |
160 |
193 |
299.934/BES-T |
Thought Forms |
Besant, Annie; Leadbeater, Charles Webster |
London, Theosophical Publishing House, 1905 |
84 |
194 |
299.935/STE-T |
The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity: A Modern Philosophy of Life Developed by Scientific Methods |
Steiner, Rudolph; Hoernle, Reinhold Friedrich Alfred; Hoernle, Mrs. Reinhold Friedrich Alfred |
London, G. P. Putnam's Son, 1922 |
382 |
195 |
301/ROS-F |
Foundations of Sociology |
Ross, Edward Alsworth |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1905 |
410 |
196 |
301/FAI-I |
Introduction to Sociology |
Fairbanks, Arthur |
New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905 |
307 |
197 |
301/KID-S |
Social Evolution |
Kidd, Benjamin |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1898 |
385 |
198 |
301/TRA-S |
Social Laws: An Outline of Sociology |
Trade, Gabriel |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1899 |
213 |
199 |
301/SAL-S |
Sociology |
Saleeby, Caleb William |
London, T. C. & E. C. Jack |
123 |
200 |
301/LOR-T |
The Economic Foundations of Society |
Loria, Achille; Keasbey, Lindley Miller |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1907 |
385 |
201 |
301.2/LAN-T |
The Level of Social Motion: An Inquiry into the Future Conditions of Human Society |
Lane, Michael A. |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1902 |
577 |
202 |
302/WAR-O |
Outlines of Sociology |
Ward, Lester Frank |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1904 |
301 |
203 |
303.483/RUS-I |
Icarus or the Future of Science |
Russell, Bertrand |
London, Kegan Paul, 1926 |
64 |
204 |
304/ROB-M |
Modern Humanists |
Robertson, John Mackinnon |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1901 |
275 |
205 |
304/SCH-T |
Tantalus or the Future of Man |
Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott |
London, Kegan Paul, 1926 |
72 |
206 |
305.420941/WOL-V |
Vindication of the Rights of Women |
Wollstonecraft, Mary |
London, Walter Scott, 1891 |
282 |
207 |
306.7/CAR-L |
Love's Coming of Age: The Relations of the Sexes |
Carpenter, Edward |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1906 |
190 |
208 |
320/GID-D |
Democracy and empire: With studies of their psychological, economic, and moral foundations |
Giddings, Franklin Henry |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1901 |
363 |
209 |
320.01/MCA-G |
Government |
McArthur, J. N. |
London, Longman, 1892 |
120 |
210 |
320.011/GRE-L |
Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation |
Green, Thomas Hill |
New York, Longman, 1907 |
252 |
211 |
320.1/RIT-D |
Darwinism and Politics with Two Additional Essays on Human Evolution |
Ritchie, David George |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1901 |
141 |
212 |
320.1/BAG-P |
Physics and Politics: or thoughts on the application of the principles of atural selection\" and \"Inheritance\" to political society" |
Bagehot, Walter |
London, Kegan Paul, 1905 |
224 |
213 |
320.1/MCK-T |
The State and the Individual: An Introduction to Political Science, with Special Reference to Socialistic and Individualistic Theories |
McKechnie, William Sharp |
Glasgow, James MacLehose and Sons, 1896 |
451 |
214 |
320.15/HOO-F |
From Hegel to Marx: Studies in the Intellectual Development of Karl Marx |
Hook, Sidney |
London, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1936 |
355 |
215 |
320.3095/ANA-A |
An Introduction to the History of Government in India: The British Period |
Anand, Chuni Lal |
Lahore, The Punjab Printing Works, 1923 |
516 |
216 |
320.42/HAR-T |
The Biology of British Politics |
Harvey, Charles Henry |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1904 |
172 |
217 |
320.509034/MAC-A |
A Century of Political Development |
Macpherson, Hector Carsewell |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1908 |
245 |
218 |
320.51/WHI-T |
The Liberal State: A Speculation |
Whittaker, Thomas |
London, Watts & Co., 1907 |
202 |
219 |
320.54/TAG-L |
Letters from Abroad |
Tagore, Rabindranath |
Madras, S. Ganesan, 1924 |
156 |
220 |
320.54/TAG-N |
Nationalism |
Tagore, Rabindranath |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1923 |
135 |
221 |
321.07/PLA-R |
Riasat ya Tehqiq-e-Adl |
Plato |
Orangabad, Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu, 1932 |
640 |
222 |
321.8/HOB-D |
Democracy and Reaction |
Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney |
London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1904 |
481 |
223 |
321.8/GOD-U |
Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy |
Godkin, Edwin Lawrence |
Westminister, Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd., 1903 |
265 |
224 |
323.168/CHA-R |
Representative Indian |
Chatterjee, Lalitmohan |
Calcutta, Popular Agency, 1931 |
245 |
225 |
327/MAJ-E |
England and the Moslem World: Articles, Addresses and Essays on Eastern Subjects |
Majid, Syed H. R. Abdul Majid |
New York, Yorkshire Printing Company, 1912 |
185 |
226 |
327/REI-W |
World Politics: At the End of Nineteenth Century as Influenced by the Oriental Situation |
Reinsch, Paul Samuel |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1904 |
365 |
227 |
327.0904/BAR-W |
World Politics in Modern civilization: The Contributions of Nationalism, Capitalism, Imperialism and Militarism to Human Culture and International Anarchy |
Barnes, Harry Elmer |
New York, Alfred A. Knoff, 1930 |
653 |
228 |
327.4/BUR-H |
History of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain |
Burrows, Montague |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1897 |
303 |
229 |
327.73041/DEN-A |
America Conquers Britain: A Record of Economic War |
Denny, Ludwell; Pforzheimer, Carl Howard |
London, Alfred A. Knoff, 1930 |
443 |
230 |
330.1/RUS-T |
The Ethics of the Dust |
Ruskin, John |
London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1898 |
269 |
231 |
335/HIR-D |
Democracy Versus Socialism: A Critical examination of Socialism as a Remedy for Social Injustice and an Exposition of the Single Tax Doctrine |
Hirsch, Max |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1901 |
481 |
232 |
335/MEN-T |
The Right to the Whole Produce of Labour: The Origin and Development of the Theory of Labour's Claim to the Whole Product of Industry |
Menger, Anton; Tanner, M. E. |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1899 |
266 |
233 |
340/MAR-E |
Elements of Law: Considered With Reference to Principles of General Jurisprudence |
Markby, Sir William |
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1896 |
445 |
234 |
340.1/MIL-T |
The Data of Jurisprudence |
Miller, William Galbraith |
Edinburgh, William Green and Sons, 1903 |
477 |
235 |
340.59/VES-M |
Muhammadan Law: An Abridgement According to its Various Schools |
Vesey-Fitzgerald, Seymour Gonne |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1931 |
252 |
236 |
341/MAR-C |
Civil Government for Indian Students |
Marris, William Morris |
Calcutta, S. C. Sanial & Company, 1921 |
368 |
237 |
341/SMI-I |
International Law |
Smith, Frederick Edwin |
London, T. A. Constable, 1903 |
184 |
238 |
342.001/BLU-T |
The Theory of the State |
Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar |
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1901 |
550 |
239 |
345/WIN-P |
Punishment and Reformation: An Historical Sketch of the Rise of the Penitentiary System |
Wines, Frederick Howard |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1895 |
339 |
240 |
345/FLE-T |
The Criminal Mind |
Fleury, Maurice De |
London, Ward & Downey, Ltd., 1901 |
196 |
241 |
345.04/MER-C |
Criminal Responsibility |
Mercier, Charles Arthur |
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1905 |
232 |
242 |
347.41052/HAR-I |
Illustrations in Advocacy |
Harris, Richard |
London, Stevens and Haynes, 1904 |
273 |
243 |
347.4206/GUL-T |
The Philosophy of Proof |
Gulson, John Reynolds |
London, George Routledge and Sons Ltd., 1905 |
496 |
244 |
349/ROY-T |
The Law Relating to bad Livelihood and Cognate Preventive Measures |
Roy, Sripati |
Calcutta, Wilkins Press, 1913 |
274 |
245 |
349.37/REI-G |
Graeco-Roman Institutions: From Anti-evolution Points of View \Roman Law: Classical Slavery, Social Conditions\"" |
Reich, Emill |
Oxford, Parker and Company, 1890 |
100 |
246 |
370/SPE-E |
Education: Intellectual, Moral and Physical |
Spencer, Herbet |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1891 |
180 |
247 |
370.1/AL--T |
Taleem Al-Mutalim Tariq Al-Taleem |
Al-Zarnuji, Burhan Al Islam |
Cairo, Mutba Al Memna, 1900 |
22 |
248 |
370.1/VIN-T |
The Social Mind and Education |
Vincent, George Edgar |
New York, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1897 |
155 |
249 |
370.15/DAV-N |
New Interpretation of Herbart's Psychology and Educational Theory Through the Philosophy of Leibniz |
Davidson, John |
London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1906 |
191 |
250 |
372/OTT-E |
Elementary Grammar of the German Language |
Otto, Emil |
London, Sampson Low |
196 |
251 |
372/DOP-T |
The Place of Industries in Elementary Education |
Dopp, Katharine Elizabeth |
Chicago, University of Chicago Press |
252 |
373/EVE-A |
A School German Grammar |
Eve, Henry Weston |
London, David Nutt, 1903 |
369 |
253 |
378/JUD-T |
The Higher Education as a Training for Business |
Judson, Harry Pratt |
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1911 |
54 |
254 |
378/NEW-T |
The Idea of University |
Newman, John Henry Cardinal |
London, Longman, 1910 |
270 |
255 |
379/HAY-T |
The Secret of Herbart: An Essay on Education and Reply to Prof. James of Harvard |
Hayward, F. H. |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1904 |
96 |
256 |
396/LOM-T |
The Soul of Woman: Reflections on Life |
Lombroso, Gina |
London, Jonathan Cape, 1924 |
269 |
257 |
398.1/KIN-T |
The Supernatural: Its Origin, Nature and Evolution |
King, John H. |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1892 |
304 |
258 |
398.1/KIN-T |
The Supernatural: Its Origin, Nature and Evolution |
King, John H. |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1892 |
290 |
259 |
403/THI-B |
Black's New and Complete German Dictionary |
THIEME, Friedrich Wilhelm |
London, Alexander Black, 1845 |
416 |
260 |
403/SON-G |
German for English: First Reading Book |
Sonnenschein, Adolf |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1875 |
228 |
261 |
424/CRA-E |
English Synonyms Explained in Alphabetical Order |
Crabb, George |
London, George Routledge and Sons Ltd. |
638 |
262 |
435/LAN-L |
Lange's New German Method |
Lange, Hermann |
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1899 |
168 |
263 |
501/BUR-T |
The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science: A Historical and Critical Essay |
Burtt, Edwin Arthur |
London, Kegan Paul, 1925 |
386 |
264 |
504/SUL-G |
Gallio or the Tyranny of Science |
Sullivan, John William Navin |
London, Kegan Paul |
96 |
265 |
508.1/LAI-P |
Problems of the Future and Essays |
Laing, Samuel |
London, Chapman & Hall, 1895 |
420 |
266 |
513.82/MAN-T |
The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained: A Collection of Essays Selected from Those Submitted in the Scientific American's Prize Competition |
Manning, Henry Parker |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1921 |
251 |
267 |
529/NOR-T |
The Tyranny of Time Einstein or Bergson? |
Nordmann, Charles; D'Albe, Edmund Edward Fournier |
London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1925 |
217 |
268 |
530.0924/MOS-E |
Einstein the Searcher, His Work Explained from Dialogues with Einstein |
Mosztowski, Alexander; Brose, Henry Hermann Leopold Adolf |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1921 |
246 |
269 |
530.1/ERI-C |
Consciousness, Life and the Fourth Dimension: A Study in Natural Philosophy |
Eriksen, Richard |
London, Gyldendal, 1923 |
213 |
270 |
530.1/SLO-E |
Easy lessons in Einstein: A Discussion of The More Intelligible Features of the Theory of Relativity |
Slosson, Edwin Emery |
London, George Routledge and Sons Ltd., 1920 |
128 |
271 |
530.1/NOR-E |
Einstein and the Universe |
Nordmann, Charles; McCabe, Joseph |
London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1922 |
185 |
272 |
530.1/MON-F |
From Kant to Einstein |
Montmorency, Hervey Guy Francis Edward De |
Cambridge, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., 1926 |
39 |
273 |
530.1/ROU-P |
Philosophy and the New Physics: An Essay on the Relativity Theory and the Theory of Quanta |
Rougier, Louis Auguste Paul; Masius, Morton |
London, George Routledge and Sons Ltd., 1921 |
159 |
274 |
530.1/SUL-T |
The Bases of Modern Science |
Sullivan, John William Navin |
London, Ernest Benn, 1928 |
246 |
275 |
530.1/THI-T |
The Ideas of Einsteins' Theory: A Theory of Relativity in Simple Language |
Thirring, J. H.; Russell, Rhoda A. B. |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1921 |
167 |
276 |
530.1/EDD-T |
The Nature of the Physical World |
Eddington, Arthur Stanley |
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1929 |
361 |
277 |
530.11/SCH-R |
Relativity and the Universe: A Popular Introduction into Einsteins' theory of Space and time |
Schmidt, Harry; Wichmann, Karl |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1921 |
136 |
278 |
530.11/ALB-R |
Relativity: The Special and the General Theory |
Albert, Einstein; Lawson, Robert William |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1920 |
138 |
279 |
530.11/SCH-S |
Space and time in Contemporary Physics: An Introduction to the Theory of Relativity and Gravitation |
Schlick, Mortiz; Brose, Henry Hermann Leopold Adolf |
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1920 |
88 |
280 |
530.11/CAS-S |
Substance and Function and Einsteins Theory of Relativity |
Cassirer, Ernst; Swabey, William Curtis |
Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company, 1923 |
465 |
281 |
530.11/CAR-T |
The General Principles of Relativity |
Carr, Herbert Wildon |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1920 |
165 |
282 |
530.11/HAL-T |
The Reign of Relativity |
Haldane, Richard Burdon |
London, John Murray, 1921 |
430 |
283 |
539.752/BON-T |
The Evolution of Matter |
Bon, Gustave Le; Legge, Francis |
London, Walter Scott, 1907 |
439 |
284 |
570.1/HAL-T |
The Philosophical Basis of Biology: Donnellan Lectures |
Haldane, John Scott |
London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1931 |
169 |
285 |
572/KEI-E |
Ethnos or the Problem of Race: Considered from a New Point of View |
Keith, Sir Arthur |
London, Kegan Paul, 1931 |
92 |
286 |
574.01/DRI-T |
The Science and Philosophy of the Organism, Gifford Lectures 1907 |
Driesch, Hans |
London, Adam and Charles Black, 1908 |
329 |
287 |
574.01/DRI-T |
The Science and Philosophy of the Organism, Gifford Lectures 1907 |
Driesch, Hans |
London, Adam and Charles Black, 1908 |
381 |
288 |
575/KEL-D |
Darwinism Today |
Kellogg, Vernon Lyman |
London, George Bell and Sons, 1907 |
403 |
289 |
575/LOD-M |
Making of Man: A Study in Evolution |
Lodge, Sir Oliver |
London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1924 |
185 |
290 |
575/HAE-T |
The Evolution of Man |
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August |
London, Kegan Paul, 1883 |
467 |
291 |
575/HAE-T |
The Evolution of Man |
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August |
London, Kegan Paul, 1883 |
504 |
292 |
575/CRO-T |
The Mongol in our Midst.: A Study of Man and his Three Faces |
Crookshank, Francis Graham |
London, Kegan Paul, 1925 |
128 |
293 |
575/THO-T |
The System of Animate Nature |
Thomson, John Arthur |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1920 |
678 |
294 |
576/THO-T |
The System of Animate Nature |
Thomson, John Arthur |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1920 |
347 |
295 |
577.6/DRE-T |
The Problem of Individuality: A Course of Four Lectures |
Dreisch, Hans |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1914 |
84 |
296 |
599.98/JHE-T |
The Evolution of the Aryan (Translated from German) |
Jhering, Rudolf von; Drucker, A. |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1897 |
412 |
297 |
610.953/BRO-A |
Arabian Medicine: Being the Fitzpatrick Lectures Delivered at the College of Physicians in November 1919 and November 1920 |
Browne, Edward Granville |
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1921 |
138 |
298 |
612.6/COS-E |
Encyclopaedia of Sexual Knowledge |
Costler, Arthur; Haire, Norman |
London, Francis Aldor, 1935 |
647 |
299 |
616.8/BRO-M |
Mind, Medicine and Metaphysics: The Philosophy of a Physician |
Brown, William |
London, Oxford University Press, 1936 |
294 |
300 |
701.17/KNI-T |
The Philosophy of the Beautiful: Being a Contribution to its Theory, and to a Discussion of the Arts |
Knight, William Angus |
London, John Murray, 1893 |
281 |
301 |
701.17/KNI-T |
The Philosophy of the Beautiful: Being Outline of the History of Aesthetics |
Knight, William Angus |
London, John Murray, 1895 |
288 |
302 |
745.61/ZIA-A |
A Monograph on Moslem Calligraphy |
Ziauddin, M. |
Calcutta, Visva-Bharati Book Shop, 1936 |
72 |
303 |
801/TRE-T |
Thamyris or Is There a Future for Poetry |
TREVELYAN, Robert Calverley |
London, Kegan Paul |
89 |
304 |
808.2523/BER-L |
Laughter: an Essay on Meaning of Comic |
Bergson, Henri; Breseton, Cloudesley; Rothwell, Fred |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1911 |
200 |
305 |
809.3/JOS-A |
Arbanoon Ka Tamudan |
Joshef, Sel |
Delhi, Jamia Millia Islamia, 1927 |
77 |
306 |
811.3/DIC-L |
Laolus and Other Poems |
Dickinson, Eric Charles |
Aligarh, Aligarh Jamia Press, 1924 |
145 |
307 |
811.3/EME-P |
Poems |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1897 |
326 |
308 |
811.3/PUR-T |
The Song of Silence |
Purohit, Swami Shri |
Poona, V.S. Chitale |
46 |
309 |
811.52/TOW-E |
Townshend, Frank |
London, Alfred A. Knoff, 1928 |
180 |
310 |
813.54/KHA-T |
The Kingdom of Heaven: An outline of Islamic principles, showing how they have contributed to modern civilization, and how they can bring about the millennium; with special reference to Indian problems, pointing out why an Indian Muslim ought to be Muslim first and Indian after |
Khan, Mustafa |
Lahore, Islamic World Library, 1930 |
299 |
311 |
814.3/EME-E |
Essays |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo |
Philadelphia, David McKay, 1888 |
396 |
312 |
814.3/EME-E |
Essays |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo |
Philadelphia, David McKay, 1888 |
396 |
313 |
820.9/VAU-E |
English Literary Criticism |
Vaughan, Charles Edwyn |
London, Blackie and Son, Ltd., 1896 |
219 |
314 |
820.9/HAR-T |
Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and Other Literary Estimates |
Harrison, Frederic |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1899 |
322 |
315 |
820.9/OLI-T |
The Literary history of England in the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Century |
Oliphant, Mrs. |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1894 |
328 |
316 |
820.9/OLI-T |
The Literary history of England in the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Century |
Oliphant, Mrs. |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1894 |
327 |
317 |
820.9/OLI-T |
The Literary history of England in the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Century |
Oliphant, Mrs. |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1894 |
340 |
318 |
821/WOO-T |
Talks with Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Woodbury, Charles Johnson; Emerson, Ralph Waldo |
London, Kegan Paul, 1890 |
177 |
319 |
821.008/PAL-T |
The Golden Treasury |
Palgrave, Francis Turner |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1904 |
387 |
320 |
821.4/MIL-M |
Milton's Lycidas |
Milton, John |
London, Blackie and Son, Ltd., 1902 |
112 |
321 |
821.48/DRY-T |
The satires of Dryden |
Dryden, John |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1903 |
137 |
322 |
821.5/POP-P |
Pope's Rape of the Lock |
Pope, Alexander; Ryland, Frederick |
London, Blackie and Son, Ltd., 1889 |
47 |
323 |
821.6/GRA-T |
The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray and An Essay on Criticism The Rape of The Lock and An Essay On Man |
Gray, Thomas; Pope, Alexander |
London, George Routledge and Sons Ltd., 1895 |
216 |
324 |
821.6/COW-T |
The Task: A Poem, in Six Books |
Cowper, William |
London, James Nisbet & co., 1855 |
263 |
325 |
821.7/MAG-A |
A Primer of Wordsworth, with a Critical Essay |
Magnus, Laurie |
London, Methuen Publishing, 1897 |
227 |
326 |
821.7/JAC-S |
Shelley: An Essay |
Jack, Adolphus Alfred |
London, Archibald Constable & Co. Ltd., 1904 |
127 |
327 |
821.7/SHE-T |
The Poetical Works of P. B. Shelley |
Shelley, Percy Bysshe |
London, Reeves and Turner, 1886 |
572 |
328 |
821.7/SHE-T |
The Poetical Works of P. B. Shelley |
Shelley, Percy Bysshe |
London, Reeves and Turner, 1886 |
580 |
329 |
821.7/WOR-T |
The Poetical Works of W. Wordsworth |
Wordsworth, William; Knight, William Angus |
Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1882 |
313 |
330 |
821.7/WOR-T |
The Poetical Works of W. Wordsworth |
Wordsworth, William; Knight, William Angus |
Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1882 |
313 |
331 |
821.7/WOR-T |
The Poetical Works of W. Wordsworth |
Wordsworth, William; Knight, William Angus |
Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1882 |
424 |
332 |
821.7/WOR-T |
The Poetical Works of W. Wordsworth |
Wordsworth, William; Knight, William Angus |
Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1882 |
387 |
333 |
821.7/WOR-T |
The Poetical Works of W. Wordsworth |
Wordsworth, William; Knight, William Angus |
Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1882 |
434 |
334 |
821.7/WOR-T |
The Poetical Works of W. Wordsworth |
Wordsworth, William; Knight, William Angus |
Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1882 |
397 |
335 |
821.7/WOR-T |
The Poetical Works of W. Wordsworth |
Wordsworth, William; Knight, William Angus |
Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1882 |
400 |
336 |
821.7/WOR-T |
The Poetical Works of W. Wordsworth |
Wordsworth, William; Knight, William Angus |
Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1882 |
435 |
337 |
821.8/BRA-A |
A Commentary on Tennyson's In Memoriam |
Bradley, Andrew Cecil |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1902 |
243 |
338 |
821.8/CHA-A |
A Companion to In Memoriam |
Chapman, Elizabeth Rachel |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1888 |
72 |
339 |
821.8/LUC-A |
A Handbook to the Works of A. L. Tennyson |
Luce, Morton |
London, George Bell and Sons, 1895 |
454 |
340 |
821.8/LAN-A |
Alfred Lord Tennyson |
Lang, Andrew |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1901 |
233 |
341 |
821.8/TEN-A |
Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir by his Son |
Tennyson, Hallam |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1899 |
929 |
342 |
821.8/SYM-A |
An Introduction to the Study of Browning |
Symons, Arthur |
London, Cassell and Company, 1897 |
343 |
821.8/ROS-B |
Ballads & Sonnets |
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel |
London, Ellis and White, 1882 |
337 |
344 |
821.8/JON-B |
Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher |
Jones, Sir Henry |
Glasgow, James MacLehose and Sons, 1899 |
349 |
345 |
821.8/RAI-B |
Browning for Beginners |
Rain, Thomas |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1904 |
227 |
346 |
821.8/BER-B |
Brownings' Message to his Time: His Religion, Philosophy and Science |
Berdoe, Edward |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1906 |
180 |
347 |
821.8/FOR-S |
Studies of the Mind and Art of Robert Browning |
Fortheringham, James |
London, Horace Marshall and Son, 1900 |
576 |
348 |
821.8/WOO-S |
Swinburne |
Woodberry, George Edward |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1905 |
117 |
349 |
821.8/BAR-T |
The Poems of E. B. Browning |
Barrett, Elizabeth Browning |
London, Fredrick Warne, 1850 |
551 |
350 |
821.8/BRO-T |
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning |
Browning, Robert |
London, Smith, Elder & Company, 1896 |
748 |
351 |
821.8/BRO-T |
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning |
Browning, Robert |
London, Smith, Elder & Company, 1896 |
786 |
352 |
821.8/ADA-T |
The Poets' Praise: From Homer to Swinburne |
Adams, Mrs. Estelle Davenport |
London, Paternoster Row, 1894 |
407 |
353 |
821.8/CAR-T |
Towards Democracy |
Carpenter, Edward |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1905 |
507 |
354 |
821.803/BER-T |
The Browning Cyclopaedia: A Guide to the Study of the Works of Robert Browning : with Copious Explanatory Notes and References on all Difficult Passages |
Berdoe, Edward |
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Company, 1902 |
576 |
355 |
821.809/DAW-T |
The Makers of Modern Poetry: A Popular Handbook to the Greater Poets of the Century |
Dawson, William James |
London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1899 |
417 |
356 |
821.81/TEN-I |
In Memoriam |
Tennyson, Lord Alfred |
London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1901 |
205 |
357 |
821.81/TEN-T |
The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson |
Tennyson, Lord Alfred |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1900 |
900 |
358 |
821.89/WAT-I |
Indian Ballads |
Waterfield, William |
Allahabad, Panini Office, 1913 |
146 |
359 |
821.89/AUS-L |
Lyrical Poems |
Austin, Alfred |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1896 |
242 |
360 |
822.33/GOL-A |
A Book of Homage to Shakespeare |
Gollancz, Israel |
London, Humphrey Milford, 1916 |
557 |
361 |
823.7/JIS-H |
Haji Baba Isfhani |
Jistiyan, Mores James |
Mumbai, Mutba Faiz Rasan, 1867 |
340 |
362 |
823.7/MOR-T |
The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan |
Morier, James Justinian |
London, Oxford University Press, 1923 |
450 |
363 |
823.7/SCO-W |
Waverley or Tis Sixty Years Since |
Scott, Sir Walter |
London, Cassell and Company, 1907 |
450 |
364 |
823.912/LEA-M |
Moon Beams from the Larger Lunacy |
Leacock, Stephen |
London, John Lane, 1916 |
216 |
365 |
823.912/WEL-T |
The Undying Fire: A Contemporary Novel |
Wells, Herbert George |
London, Cassell and Company, 1920 |
253 |
366 |
824/MAC-S |
Selections from the Writings of Lord Macaulay |
Macaulay, Thomas Babington; Trevelyan, George Otto |
London, Longman, 1906 |
475 |
367 |
824.85/SAI-M |
Mathew Arnold |
Saintsbury, George |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1894 |
232 |
368 |
830.81/HEI-T |
The Prose Writings of H. H. |
Heine, Heinrich; Ellis, Havelock |
London, Walter Scott |
327 |
369 |
830.9/FRA-A |
A History of German Literature |
Francke, Kuno |
New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1907 |
595 |
370 |
832.6/LES-T |
The Laocoon, and other Prose Writings of Lessing |
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim; Ronnfeldt, W. B.; Ronnfeldt, W. B. |
London, Walter Scott, 1910 |
289 |
371 |
832.62/GOE-F |
Faust (in German Language) |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von |
Berlin, Der Verlag, 1929 |
498 |
372 |
832.62/GOE-G |
Goethe's FAUST |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von; Thomas, Calvin |
London, D. C. Health and Company |
457 |
373 |
838.6/GOE-C |
Criticism, Reflections and Maxims of Goethe |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von; Ronnfeldt, W. B. |
London, Walter Scott |
261 |
374 |
844.31/MON-E |
Essays of Montaigne |
Montaigne, Michel de; Chubb, Percival |
London, Walter Scott |
280 |
375 |
844.912/MAE-T |
The Life of Space |
Maeterlinck, Maurice; Miall, Bernard |
London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1928 |
171 |
376 |
873.1/VIR-V |
Virgil's Aeneid |
Virgil; Dryden, John |
London, George Routledge and Sons Ltd., 1895 |
319 |
377 |
890/TAG-S |
Stories from Tagore |
Tagore, Rabindranath |
Calcutta, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. |
173 |
378 |
891.4/SIN-T |
The Sisters of the Spinning Wheel and Other Sikh Poems (Original and Translated) |
Singh, Puran; Singh, Puran |
London, J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1921 |
179 |
379 |
891.441/TAG-L |
Lover's Gift and Crossing |
Tagore, Rabindranath |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1905 |
117 |
380 |
891.4414/TAG-F |
Fruit Gathering |
Tagore, Rabindranath |
Allahabad, Panini Office, 1933 |
123 |
381 |
891.4414/TAG-S |
Stray Birds |
Tagore, Rabindranath |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1923 |
84 |
382 |
891.442/TAG-T |
The Cycle of Spring |
Tagore, Rabindranath |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1923 |
134 |
383 |
891.55/MAQ-T |
Three Treatises on Mysticism |
Maqtul, Shihabuddin Suhrawardi; Khatak, Sarfaraz Khan; Spies, Otto |
Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1935 |
172 |
384 |
891.551/IQB-M |
Musafir yani Siahat Chund Roza Afghanistan |
Iqbal, Sir Muhammad |
Lahore, -, 1934 |
59 |
385 |
891.5881/RAV-S |
Selection from the Poetry of the Afghans: From 16th Century to 19th Century |
Raverty, Henry George |
London, Williams and Norgate, 1862 |
348 |
386 |
891.733/TOL-N |
Napoleon and the Russian Campaign and Power of Liberty (Translated from French) |
Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolayevich; Smith, Huntington |
London, Walter Scott |
322 |
387 |
896.381/COS-T |
The Rose Garden of Persia |
Costello, Louisa Stuart |
London, Gibbings, 1899 |
196 |
388 |
901/SEI-H |
History of Ancient Civilization |
Seignobos, Charles |
London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1907 |
371 |
389 |
901/SEI-H |
History of Mediaeval Civilization |
Seignobos, Charles |
London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1908 |
432 |
390 |
901/FLI-H |
History of the Philosophy of History |
Flint, Robert |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1893 |
706 |
391 |
901/DEW-P |
Psychology of Politics and History |
Dewe, Juhl Adalbert |
London, Longman, 1910 |
269 |
392 |
901/WOO-P |
Purpose of History |
Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene |
New York, Columbia University Press, 1916 |
89 |
393 |
901/REI-S |
Success Among Nations |
Reich, Emill |
London, Chapman & Hall, 1904 |
270 |
394 |
901/COL-T |
The Dance of Civa: Life's Unity and Rhythm |
Collum, Vera Christina Chute |
London, Kegan Paul |
109 |
395 |
901/SCH-T |
The Decay and the Restoration of Civilization: The Philosophy of Civilization |
Schweitzer, Albert; Campion, C. T. |
London, A. & C. Black, Ltd., 1923 |
105 |
396 |
901/SCH-T |
The Decay and the Restoration of Civilization: The Philosophy of Civilization |
Schweitzer, Albert; NAISH, John Paull |
London, A. & C. Black, Ltd., 1923 |
298 |
397 |
901/SPE-T |
The Decline of the West: Form and Actuality |
Spengler, Oswald; Atkinson, Charles Francis |
London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1928 |
443 |
398 |
901/SPE-T |
The Decline of the West: Prespectives of World History |
Spengler, Oswald; Atkinson, Charles Francis |
London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1928 |
507 |
399 |
901/FOR-T |
The Development of Western Civilization: A Study in Ethical, Economic and Political Evolution |
Forrest, Jacob Dorsey |
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1907 |
406 |
400 |
901/SEL-T |
The Economic Interpretation of History |
Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson |
New York, Columbia University Press, 1907 |
166 |
401 |
902.82/KID-P |
Principles of Western Civilization: A Sociological Study |
Kidd, Benjamin |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1908 |
518 |
402 |
908/SHA-S |
Some Important Indian Problems |
Shafi, Sir Muhammad |
Lahore, Model Electric Press, 1930 |
260 |
403 |
909.097671/QAZ-T |
The Abbasids: The Period of Aggrandizement Together with six Lectures on the Collapse of the Omayyad Empire |
Qazi, Jalal Uddin |
Moradabad, A. M. Zaman Bros. Publishers |
352 |
404 |
913.38/MAH-K |
Kant's Critical Philosophy for English Readers |
, John Pentland |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1889 |
389 |
405 |
915.40325/GHA-A |
A History of Persian Language and Literature at the Mughal Court, (with a Brief Survey of the Growth of Urdu Language) Babur to Akbar Pt. II Humayun |
Ghani, Muhammad Abdul |
Allahabad, Allahabad Indian Press, 1930 |
202 |
406 |
915.40325/GHA-A |
A History of Persian Language and Literature at the Mughal Court, (with a Brief Survey of the Growth of Urdu Language) Babur to Akbar Pt. III Akbar |
Ghani, Muhammad Abdul |
Allahabad, Allahabad Indian Press, 1930 |
475 |
407 |
915.42/MUH-T |
Tazkirat ul Ulama or a Memoir of the Learned Men of Jaunpur |
Muhammad, Khair uddin; Ullah, Muhammad Sana; Ullah, Muhammad Sana |
Calcutta, Abul Faiz Co., 1934 |
157 |
408 |
915.60415/KIN-E |
Eothen: Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East |
Kinglake, Alexander William |
London, George Routledge and Sons Ltd. |
320 |
409 |
923.154/BIN-A |
Akbar |
Binyon, Laurence |
Edinburgh, Peter Davies Ltd., 1932 |
165 |
410 |
937/BEE-S |
Stories from the History of Rome |
Beesly, Mrs. |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1923 |
119 |
411 |
937.06/GIB-T |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
Gibbon, Edward |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1907 |
495 |
412 |
937.06/GIB-T |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
Gibbon, Edward |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1907 |
597 |
413 |
937.06/GIB-T |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
Gibbon, Edward |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1907 |
572 |
414 |
937.06/GIB-T |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
Gibbon, Edward |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1907 |
602 |
415 |
937.06/GIB-T |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
Gibbon, Edward |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1907 |
582 |
416 |
937.06/GIB-T |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
Gibbon, Edward |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1907 |
568 |
417 |
937.06/GIB-T |
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
Gibbon, Edward |
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1907 |
505 |
418 |
940/BAE-T |
The Mediterranean: Seaports and Sea Routes, Handbook for Travellers |
Baedeker, Karl |
Leipzig, Karl Baedeker, 1911 |
607 |
419 |
940.18/RAU-D |
Der Erste Kreuzzug: The First Crusade |
Raumer, Friedrich von |
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1882 |
124 |
420 |
942/ING-E |
England |
Inge, William Ralph |
London, Ernest Benn, 1926 |
302 |
421 |
943.07/TRE-S |
Selections from Treitschke's Lectures on Politics |
Treitschke, Heinrich von; Gowans, Adam Luke |
London, Gowans & Gray, Ltd., 1914 |
128 |
422 |
945.08/MAZ-E |
Essays |
Mazzini, Giuseppe; Clarke, William |
London, Walter Scott |
332 |
423 |
949.6/MAC-T |
Turkey and Eastern Question |
Macdonald, John |
London, T. C. & E. C. Jack |
92 |
424 |
954/COU-S |
Samadarsana, Synthetic Vision: A Study of Indian Psychology |
Cousins, James H. |
Madras, Ganesh, 1925 |
96 |
425 |
954/KEE-T |
The Making of India |
Keene, Henry George |
Allahabad, Indian Press, 1896 |
155 |
426 |
954.2/NAJ-B |
Behrul Fasahat |
Najmi, Muhammad Najam Al-Ghani |
Lucknow, Nau Lakshor, 1917 |
1110 |
427 |
956/PIC-T |
The Cultural Side of Islam: A Lecture Delivered at Madras in January 1927 |
Pickthall, Marmaduke William |
Madras, Hoe & Company, 1927 |
193 |
428 |
956.101/HOW-T |
The Partition of Turkey: A Diplomatic History 1913-1923 |
Howard, Harry Nicholas |
Norman, Univesity of Oklahoma Press, 1931 |
486 |
429 |
959.1/HAR-T |
The Soul of a People |
Harris, Fielding |
London, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1898 |
352 |
430 |
962/FYF-T |
The New Spirit in Egypt |
Fyfe, Henry Hamilton |
Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1911 |
284 |
431 |
962.04/BLU-S |
Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt |
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen |
London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1907 |
606 |
432 |
962.04/Z.,-T |
The Emancipation of Egypt (Translated from Italian) |
Z., A. |
London, Chapman & Hall, 1905 |
142 |